Hey, I'm Tyler!

I am a senior computer science major at Georgia Southern University. I have a passion for web development with a focus on front-end! Right HERE you can see my resume, and if you keep scrolling, you can check out some of my projects!


Dewm is a 2D Doom-inspired "Platform" game made with the Unity Game Engine and using the C# programming language. This game was created in a single semester.

  • As project lead, I learned how to better manage a team and delegate tasks.

  • As a programmer, I learned different tricks to make the platforming feel more responsive.

  • As the lead artist and animator, I learned how to better animate a character to give the player's actions better "game feel."
Data Structures Game

This Data Structures game was made with the Unity Game Engine and using the C# programming language. This game was created as a project to teach others about linked-lists and stacks in an interactive way.

  • As a programmer, I learned more about the linked list and stack data structures, as well as different ways to implement them in a project.

  • As an artist, I learned more about simplistic design.

  • As a designer, I learned how to better implement ways to educate players through gameplay.
Labor of Love

Labor of Love is a top-down gathering game made with the Unity Game Engine and using the C# programming language. This game was created during Global Game Jam 2019.

  • Due to this project being a Game Jam, we only had 48 hours to complete it! This limitation helped improve my time-management skills.

  • As an artist and animator, I learned how to better create and animate a character in four different directions from a top-down perspective.

  • As a programmer I learned more about implementing screen transitions, as well as learning how to use Unity's "timeline" feature.
Nocturnal Forest

Nocturnal Forest is a 2D "Metroidvania" game made with the Unity Game Engine and using the C# programming language. This game was created in a single semester.

  • As the lead artist and animator, I learned how to better create and animate pixel art for both the player character and eneimes.

  • With this project being the first game I created with a team, I learned more about the game development process.